42, 43, & the Cannonballs.

The adventure for started at 6:30am. Whitney and I hit the trail headed towards Lonesome Lake. Our goal, North and South Kinsmans as well as the Cannonballs. We wanted to be out for most of the day and both knock off some peaks we needed.

We headed up Lonesome Lake trail. I have only been down this trail and only in the winter. I knew it was steep when covered in snow so I was expecting it to be super steep when it isn't covered in snow. We reached the lake bright and early and it was absolutely beautiful as well as frozen.

It was incredibly chilly so we continued our trek toward the Cannonballs. With the first signs of snow on the trail! I was excited. First snow for me this year!!

As we passed the junction for Hi-Cannon and continued on the Kinsman Ridge Trail we knew that the Cannonball that Whitney needed for 100 Highest was shortly after.. We continued up a steep section with some beautiful views as we looked back. At the moment we took a slight left on the trail she, leading the way, looked up and saw a beautiful view of the Kinsmans and got excited and as I heard her I saw to my left was a pile of Cairns. I yell "This is IT" and she must have thought I was crazy, but then she quickly realized here was her peak!


 The views continued to be gorgeous all day. After hitting the first cannonball we continued onward toward North Kinsman. It was a nice flat trek for a little while until the next one, and then the next one, and then about 3 more after that. Lots of ups and downs. Finally coming to the Junction of the Fishing Jimmy trail we were almost there. Towards the top of North Kinsman there was some sketchy parts with lots of ice. Coming down we did put our microspikes on for this section.

We checked out all the great views from the ledges below. Ate some snacks and moved on to the last peak on the list. South Kinsman. When we finally got there the trees were covered in rime and the sun was shining and was nice and toasty. We took some photos here and admired the wonderful work of whomever made the summit cairn into a very comfy chair of rocks. We enjoyed a good chuckle over it and ate some more.

We took off from here to start our descent. We took the Fishing Jimmy trail down back to Lonesome Lake. There was lots and lots of ICE. I would proceed with caution if you attempt this way down. We didn't use our spikes because we just maneuvered a way around, however most may want to use theirs. The conditions were just not perfect for spike or crampons. We managed to make it down and out with little or few bruises and no broken bones. Also, while crossing the many bog bridges we noticed quite the interesting pattern in the ice beneath our feet.

Finally making it to the hut. We stopped for the bathroom and a photo Op. Took a few photos and started to get chilly and decided to just head back to the car. Literally half jogging the last 1.2 miles. It was a beautiful day in the Whites!

Hike Safe & Keep on Trekking!


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