in it for the long haul. . . to Wyoming.

Mid July came around and before we knew it we were finally half way done with our tour and heading to our home town of North Conway, NH. We were hosting an event for our previous employer, the Mount Washington Observatory. We had a tent at the after party of their annual Hike-a-Thon they host every year.

We were excited to be back on familiar territory, but even more excited to start the second half of the tour. The second half was going to include some pretty spectacular places, hikes, swimming, friends, and we couldn't have been more excited.

Harper & I out with Josh on the Paddle Boards before Storyland!

Harper & I on the Parapet tower at the MWOBS for STP.

The morning after our event was over, we said our goodbyes again to friends and family, packed up the car and hit the road somewhat early. We had almost a week off and our next stop was in Wyoming. We high tailed it to the Tetons where we got to sleep in a cabin at the American Alpine Club Climbers Ranch. The view from out bedroom window was of The Grand. We had a friend who is a guide for Jackson Hole in the summertime invite us to come stay with him.

And so it began, 60 some odd hours straight in a car. Only bathroom breaks, fuel breaks, and minimal sleep breaks. We finally arrived to the beautiful Tetons National Park. We arrived, cooked some dinner, and hit the hay as soon as we could. Well rested, I awoke the next morning to a beautiful sight. I started to gather my stuff together to head out on a hike with Becca and our friend Keith. In doing so, I made myself a cup of coffee, sat down and just took it all in.

We started off on a hike with Keith, he took us about 2 miles into the valley of the mountains. It was just like a painted picture. I couldn't believe my eyes. The beauty that surrounded me was unlike anything I have ever seen before.

The next day Keith had to work so he was not around, so Becca and I did some exploring. We ended up hiking almost 8 miles around Jenny Lake, and taking a swim in one of the smaller lakes around. We spotted a very large bear across the water from us. Which was quite exciting to me seeing as though I have only seen 1 bear, a black bear, in my life and that was when we were in the Shannondoahs.

After our visit to the Tetons was short lived, we hit the road to Lander. The time here was even more short lived as we didn't have much time to spend there between work and then getting to our next event. However, we did some time onto our drive before our next event and we took the Loop Road. Absolutely gorgeous landscape, mixed with dirt roads, wild cattle roaming every where. After that we were pretty excited to be headed into a place I have dreamed of going since I was a little kid. Yellowstone National Park.

Leaving the AAC Climbers Ranch, Tetons NP WY
An underground river in Lander, WY
Part of the landscape of the Loop Road in Lander, WY

Next up. . . Yellowstone National Park. Hike Safe & Keep on Trekking. . .


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