Mount Hale

Mount Washington Hotel
I was incredibly happy to get the message that Trish and the girls would be making a quick hike on Wednesday morning! Ever since my schedule changed I haven't had the privilege of hiking with them. Trish messaged me and asked if I would be up for Mount Hale early Wednesday morning.

I was looking to get out  hiking in preparation of my 1day 10 summit Pemi Loop on Thursday. I hadn't been to Hale since the first  time I had done it over 2 years ago. I was kind of excited.
Stream Crossing on Hale Brook Tr.
We met at the Hale Brook Trailhead parking lot at roughly 7:15am. Our plans were to have boots on trail no later than 7:30am. As usual we both were early and on time!

Hale Brook trail starts off pretty gradual and quickly starts to ascend 2.2 miles. It's not the most exciting of trails or summit, but is still a fun hike to do. It was a tad bit chilly in the morning but I was quick to warm up as soon as we got moving.
Mount Hale Summit

Honey Buns on Hale
We made it to the summit where we enjoyed "Desserts on the 48". Once again I was happy to join the girls in their journey to eat a dessert that starts with the same letter as the summit. Trish took out the Honey Buns she brought and I brought a German (starburst like) candy called Herbeer.

We sat and enjoyed our desserts, took some photos, watched the clouds roll past us and enjoyed the misty scenic vista as the fog rolled past us. Once we were done, I did my headstand and then we packed up and headed down.

It was a quick descent back to the cars, and we still had the majority of the day to go about our normal routines. Mine however, consisted of cleaning and packing in preparation for my one day Pemi Loop.

Headstands on Hale

 Hike Safe & Keep on Trekking


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