It Sure Was a Hoot of a Day!
"There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em."
We hit the trail around 7:00am for the 3.6 mile flat walk in to the Black Pond Junction. Here we stopped for a quick break and change up layers as needed before heading the next mile to Black Pond. This was the first time I had done Owlshead in the winter and used any of the bushwhacks to get there.
When I completed my first round of the 48, I wanted to access the summits be the actual trails. For starters, I truly don't care to be whacked in the face my branches on the regular for miles on end, or posthole into spruce traps with snowshoes on. I knew that the trail had been broken out be previous hikers the day before so I was feeling good about this whack.
Took a quick snack break and headed toward the Brutus Bushwhack, about another 2 miles up the trail after 2 minor stream crossings. After the second stream crossing the whack jets off to the right and climbs up the side of Owls Head. Before we headed up this whack, I asked Rob if I should not keep me additional layer on. He responded with don't. I asked how steep it was, he responded with "f*ucking steep".
We finally hit a point where snow had blown over the tracks from the day before. We did some scoping around and I finally found them again. We climbed through some pretty thick brush towards the end and eventually popping out almost a half a mile from the summit. The actual Brutus typically pops out lower down and on the trail. However, we missed that left somewhere due to following other tracks.
Once on the top we quickly made it to the summit breaking through some deep drifts, some being almost waist deep. The wind was howling and temps were dropping. We went all the way to the end, verified we made it to the actual summit and quickly turned around and headed down.
Ricky Bobby, just wanted some cookies but I made him wait until we got below the wind and trees again. He was such a good dog.
We hit the Brutus again to head back down, we slowly and carefully made our way down the steep sections, holding onto trees, sliding on our butts, and whatever else to carefully make it back down without tumbling.
Before I knew it, we were down and headed for the long haul out. By the time we made it back to Lincoln Woods Trail and had 3.6 miles to get back to the car I had some of the worst hot spots and blisters on my feet. I was more than ready to take those damn snowshoes off and my winter hiking boots.
We all refused to stop though and continued back to the car. Once back at the car we were stoked we just rocked a 16.2 mile hike in 6 hours and 43 minutes moving time!
And just like that my Winter Owlshead is complete and so is Ricky's- I think I will take a break from this peak for a few years now. It's always fun, but very anti climatic in my opinion.
Until the next adventure.
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