Backpacker Magazine WGOM Tour 2014

Have you ever known someone who you thought just had the "Dream Job?" That used to be me. Backpacker Magazine for those of you who follow or read it, have this tour called the "Get Out More Tour." My first year working on the summit of Mount Washington, we had the honors of having Sheri & Randy Propster join us for a night before they hosted a tent at Seek the Peak. Sheri & Randy were the Brand ambassadors for the GOM Tour for 8 years before deciding to retire from the road.

As we got to know them and learn what their job entitled, I had wished and hoped someday I would have that dream job. Fast forward about a year and half later, they were retiring from the road and moving into the offices and looking for replacements for their gig, among adding 2 new tours. A women's edition and a winter edition. As soon as I saw the job posting on Backpacker's Facebook page and their personal one, I shared the link to mine and posted "This will be my next job." And so it was.

Myself and a co-worker Rebecca, applied as a team. We had to send in a video application explaining why we would make great brand ambassadors in 3 minutes or less. Sounds easier than it was. However, we rocked it!

Before I knew it, I was flying out to Utah for the Outdoor Retailer show, then off to Seattle for training in Hilleberg Tents. We were trying to build our presentation and piece it together the best we could before our first show in Ohio. I was receiving boxes and boxes of products from our sponsors to my house. At the same time as working a full time job, feeling anxiety of how much I would miss my boyfriend and his daughter, as well as all of my friends and family for 5 months. As much anxiety and nerves I had gearing up for this excellent opportunity, I knew it was exactly what I wanted and there wasn't going to be anything that stood between me and this opportunity.

Hilleberg Headquarters, Seattle, WA

NUUN Headquarters Seattle, WA

May of 2014 came way to quick. We were scheduled to be on the road by May 6, 2014. We picked up our rental vehicle at the Portland Airport on May 2, and Becca took it back to North Conway while I spent the weekend in Old Orchard Beach. Monday consisted of us trying to pack everything we had from our sponsors and Backpacker Magazine for our presentations as well as very limited stuff of our own that we thought we would need while on the road for 5 months.

The next morning we said our goodbyes and hit the road to start an amazing journey! You can check out how the trip went and learn all about what it was like to live and work out of your vehicle for 5 months by clicking on the links below!

New Hampshire-Vermont-New York
Ohio; 1st event 1/53
Kentucky; Mammoth Cave National Park
Missouri; Mississippi River & The Gateway Arch
Illinois; Monks Mound, Chicago Bean, Agora, & Car troubles
Indiana; Sand Dunes
Wisconsin & Minnesota; Mall of America & some stolen clothes.

Iowa; SUP, Camping, Birthdays, Fossil Gorge, & Boating
Nebraska & Kansas; Omaha, & Police Mounted Patrol
Colorado; Rocky Mtn. NPPikes Peak National Forest - FIBARK & Great Sand Dunes NP
DETOUR: Home for a Funeral
Pennsylvania-West Virginia- Washington D.C- Maryland
Virginia; Shenandoah National Park

New York; Long Island & New Hampshire for 4th of July
New Jersey- Delaware- Connecticut- Rhode Island- Massachusetts
New Hampshire- Maine; Seek the Peak
The Long Haul; Michigan-North Dakota-South Dakota
Wyoming; Tetons National Park & Yellowstone National Park
Montana; Glacier National Park

Idaho-Washington; Seattle & Olympic National Park pt. 1 and Olympic NP pt. 2
Oregon; Mount Hood & Multnomah Falls
California Coast; Redwoods NP - San Francisco - Sierra Nevada's - Yosemite - LA & San Diego

Utah-Arizona; Grand Canyon National Park Backpacking Trip
New Mexico- Oklahoma- Arkansas- Texas; Cadillac Ranch, Downtown
Louisiana- Mississippi- Alabama; Birthday Celebrations in New Orleans
Florida; Beaches & Disney
Georgia-South Carolina- North Carolina- Camping & Hiking
Tennessee-Ohio- and Back home.


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