Big Slide/John Brook Valley On Fire
"Solo travel not only pushes you out of your comfort zone, it also pushes you out of the zone of others' expectations." Monday morning I last minute booked myself a campsite at the ADK Loj for Tuesday- Thursday. I knew I needed to hike Big Slide & Giant still to catch up to Laura so we can finish at the same time. So this felt like a good opportunity. Just a few days prior I unexpectedly had to bury my brother. After losing my mother just over a year ago, losing my brother was just beyond overwhelming. Not in a million years did I think I would be back at the cemetery where my mother was laid to rest, standing next to her, and now laying my brother down to his final resting place. I would wake up Tuesday morning, take Ricky Bobby to the vet for his shots, then head directly to my weekly therapy session. From there I would hit the road to New York for a few days. Solo. I have never just left by myself to go anywhere to camp. I always spend my time in the wilderness